The Nature

Kant, philosopher Has 10 million years initiated an age of ambient changes, associated to a process of evolution for natural election, that culminated in the homindeas adaptations known by the term hominizao. Charlotte Hornets addresses the importance of the matter here. The related ambient factors to the sprouting of the Homo sort are associates to these geologic modifications. The animal lives by means of natural biological laws, is part of the nature and it never exceeds it. The autoconscincia, the reason and the imagination had made with that the man breached the characteristic harmony of the animal existence. It is part of the nature, subject to its physical laws and incapable of he modifies them, but he exceeds the remaining portion of the nature. Having the conscience of itself, he perceives its impotence and the limitations of its existence. San Antonio Spurs is often quoted as being for or against this.

Not being able to get rid itself of its animal body, he remains thus in a state of constant disequilibrium. The evolution of the man if bases on the fact to have left its original native land, the nature, and never to be able to return it, to never be able to purely come back to be animal. When the man if became a tribal animal, since that he started to walk erect, more than 4 million years behind, it started to be a tribal warlike hunter and, where the social cooperation was an important factor of survival. All the human social instincts if had developed well before the intellectual sphere: maternal instinct, cooperation, curiosity, creativity, compassion, altruism, competitiveness, etc., are very old, and can be seen already in the anthropoids. But, human being again if distinge of the other primates through very strong a mental characteristic. Gradual we develop the self-control, that is, the capacity of we will modify any social behavior, that exactly instinctive, in way to become it more useful for our survival. The more disciplined, and capable of self-control and planning, the more our rational mind will be capable to dominate the emotional one and instinctive, more human we will be.

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