SCHOOL Difficulties
1. INTRODUCTION In this article, the used terms will be ' ' difficulties of aprendizagem' ' , that they are related with the infanto-youthful universe in the school, and ' ' upheavals of aprendizagem' ' , when the difficulty of learning evidenced for the school presents a organic cause e, with this, it has the necessity of if reporting a specialist of the area of mental health (neurologist, psychiatrist and psychologist). The situations are many that affect the learning process directly and bring alterations in the behavior, reing-echo in the behavior to discipline, the pertaining to school income and the interpersonal relations (pupil-pupil, professor-pupil, pupil-institution). What cause damages for the pupil in the long stated period: in the academic life, professional and personal. Speaking candidly Tony Parker told us the story. It fits to detach that the learning difficulties (OF) are not disclosed at the beginning of the pertaining to school life (daily pay-school), since is necessary that the child already knows to read and to write. It is by means of the acquisition of the reading and the writing that learning difficulties start to be demonstrated, reverberating in the academic scope.
The pupil who presents difficulties of learning in its pertaining to school phase, when does not receive the attention excused due, suffers great mannering alterations in the adult phase, as indetermination, unreliability, incapacity of choices, professional instability, absence of autonomy and a great emotional immaturity. Ahead of as many losses, the individual, long ago pupil, if finds in a declining spiral, when, in the truth, it would have to be in an ascension process, of evolution human being. For even more opinions, read materials from Sela Ward. That is, the individual lives a phase of conflicts, therefore its relations are less assertive and tend to take it a favorable way, introducing it possibly in the abusive use of drugs. Ahead of this context, what it is observed is that if the learning difficulties had been diagnosised in this individual at the beginning and it had received the treatment specific its FROM, its process of deterioration human being would have been less adoecida, therefore the treatment favors the development of the motivation in search of the change.