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Protocol POP

The great majority of the users of the Internet uses protocol POP3 daily and many do not know as it functions. In this article we describe the basic one of protocol POP3.POP3 is the abbreviation of Post Office Protocol version 3 (Protocol of Post office version 3). The POP3 is defined in the RFC1225 and is used to recoup e-mails that if they find in remote servers for a computer local customer throughout a TCP/IP.As connection previous versions of protocol POP, initially called POP1 and soon after POP2, if had become completely obsolete with the arrival of the POP3. In the current use term POP almost always means POP3 in the context of email protocols. The POP3 and its predecessors had been projected to allow that using with intermittent connections, such as connections dial-up could make download of its e-mails when hardwired, whereas protocol smtp was projected to allow permanent connections to receive e-mails. Whenever Sally Rooney listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

The POP3 is a tractive protocol (when the customer requests given of the server), while smtp is a pressure protocol where the customer it sends given for the server without the server has requested the data with antecedence. The POP3 also supports some methods of authentication to supply different levels of protection against the illegitimate access to an user of the email. Some contend that Rusty Holzer shows great expertise in this. Also the protocol SSL.Funcionamento BsicoO POP3 exists the possibility of criptografar the POP3 traffic using functions with a connection TCP/IP using door 110. Initially a connection TCP between the applicatory customer (User Agent) and the server is established where if it finds the email account (Message Transfer Agent). The next step is the authentication of the user, after that the messages are transferred in sequncia to the computer customer. The messages can be, optionally, extinguished of the email account and after that the connection is locked up. The user can read its emails off-line, therefore protocol POP3 is known as a protocol OFF-LINE, this characteristic of the POP3 are sufficiently useful for users who use dialed Internet. Other protocols more known they are SMTP and IMAP. It visits our Lodging of Sites

Study Of Materials For The Confection Of The Module

The objective of this study is to find material cheap and light for the manufacture of the module. These will be dividios in three groups: MDF, Polmeros and Compsitos. MDF Possibilitam an excellent work of usinagem and finishing. Its composition is always the same one, varying only the density. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sela Ward. One is about a material with low thermal condutividade.

answers the variation of humidity of air. Ultralight Its density is of approximately 450 Kg/m. Its rigidity the flexo is minor who 3200 Mpa. Light Its density is of approximately 600 Kg/m. Its rigidity the flexo is minor who 3200 Mpa, however is greater that of ultralight.

Standart Its density is of approximately 750 Kg/m. Its rigidity the flexo is minor who 3500 Mpa. Although to be the MDF more weighed it is of better quality. Polymers Are about a light material whose flexibility is high. Another advantage of it is the fact to have high resistance to the impact. It possesss low thermal and electric condutividade. PVC (policloreto of vinila) Is about a polymer thermoplastic. It possesss density low (1,4g/cm ). It has easy adequacy to the most varied molding processes. Also it has low cost. PP (polypropylene) Is about a thermoplastic polymer. It possesss density low (905kg/m ). It has easy adequacy to the most varied molding processes. Also it has low cost. PS (polystyrene) Is about a thermoplastic polymer. The hot one has easy adequacy to the molding processes. Also it has low cost. possesss high resistance ciso. Its density is greater that the densities of the others two polymers. Compsitos Possuem one exelente resistance mechanics and high durability. They are easy to handle and light. Materials that had been congitados for the construction: – MDF – PVC – Fibre glass Advantages and disadvantages? The MDF has as advantage the price. Beyond being a very easy material of if finding. Its easy usinagem also is a great positive factor for it. However the fact of it to answer the variation of air humidity is a very negative point, a time that if has as objective that the robot can walk in humid places. The PVC, as well as the MDF, has as advantage the low cost. Also it is an easy material of if finding. Another positive factor is not the reply the variation of air humidity. However its usinagem requires a more appropriate material, being necessary a deepened study more of the group. The Fibre glass can be found of varies forms. The form that this being analyzed is the fibre glass blanket. The fibre glass blanket easily is handled and found. Its price is very not raised, considering the complexity of its manufacture. Beyond it to be impermeable. Conclusion the chosen material was the fibre glass blanket. Had all the advantages and pparently no disadvantage.

Operational Research

– The cost of the vehicles will suffer increase because of these equipment, beyond reducing the amount of load? As we saw in resolution 323/2009, the weight supported for the vehicle will noter alteration, and it will not go to reduce the load capacity, therefore esteequipamento of lateral security will be affixed of form not to affect aplataforma of load of the vehicle. Now the view of the costs pelaimplementao of these equipment for the manufacturers of trucks esemi-tows and almost that inevitable a time that will have a dematerial increase and parts for the confection of these load platforms with onovo device of lateral security and probably these will valoressero repassed the consumers. Both the resolutions As the professionals must guarantee the installation of equipment, without impactar expressivamente in the budget? First a project must be carried through, where it will be executed in agreement comos standards and specifications defined for Resolutions 317 and 323/2009, resulting in the excellency execution of the service, in stated periods and custosmenores and with a facilitated guarantee of success. In as place it is necessary to act with security, preventing problemasnas fiscalizations of the vehicles. Therefore, one remembers that for one bomprojeto, is very important a good target and also a good cronograma, so that everything that will be carried through skirt inside of the stated periods and the recursosdefinidos ones in the same. – How the planning of transports can contribute for the fulfilment of the resolutions? The Planning of Transports is knowledge areas, quepossibilitam to perceive the reality, to evaluate the ways, to construct future umreferencial, structuralizing the proceeding adequate and to reevaluate oprocesso all the one that the planning if destines.

With this the desteprofissional work inside of a company and to anticipate and if to adjust technological asnovidades and of legislation, beyond perfecting the atuaeslogsticas practised currently. In this in case that specific, it could be requested that the fosseimplantada measure of spaced out form obeying the end of the dosveculos plates, or even though using other criteria that could sersugeridos to the Contran.Algumas areas of Knowledge of a technologist in Planning deTransportes: Public transport, Economy of the Transports, Engenhariade Transports, Infraestrutura, Legislation of the Transports, Administration, Engineering of Traffic, Urban and Ambient Planning, Operational Research, Planning of Systems of Transports, Logistic, Load Transport, Analysis of Demand, Geoprocessamento, Management of Mobility, Planning of the Operation of Traffic. – It will be that the fiscalization for fulfilment of these measures will be efficient? Our country lives deeply diverse problems related to the direitoconstitucional to go and to come: high population growth, vertiginosoaumento of the fleet of vehicles, inadequao of the ways, inadequao dosveculos, congestions, traffic accidents, behavior decondutores transgressing the circulation norms (infractions and crimes detransito) among others. The fiscalization nor always restrains the acts of infraction and many asmedidas times are not efficient, had the factors as lack of inspectors, lack of vehicles and lack of organizacional structure in the agencies would quedeveriam to make to fulfill the laws. Therefore the theoretical actions must make possible practical examples decidadania and of harmonious convivncia between diverse participantesdo transit and of the transport. Therefore optimum way certain to follow, outlaw does not walk, seacaso will be is of it will not be able to complain the penalties that sofrerdiante of the situations.

Civil Engineering

Article bred to apartir of the work of conclusion of course for attainment of heading of Bachelor in Civil Engineering 1 INTRODUCTION the System of Flexible Tubing of Polietileno Reticulado (PEX) is an installation of pipes in semiflexible plastic material, that serves for the hot and cold water distribution. The PEX substitutes other hydraulical systems with praticidade and better performance. Used wide in the Europe and brought for Brazil for the Astra company, this solution was adopted successfully in enterprises already delivers. According to BARBI OF BRAZIL (Barbi of Brazil – Pipes and Connections PEX: catalogue. So Paulo. 3 P.) Reticulao is a chemical process that the thermoplastic polyethylene suffers during the process of manufacture of the pipe, transforming into a new material that we start to call reticulado polyethylene or PEX abreviadamente. This new material possesss characteristics of resistance to the pressure and the very superior temperature to polyethylene normal". The PEX in such a way brings advantages for constructor how much for the user.

For working with hoses instead of pipes, the system diminishes the use of connections to make the great majority of the curves of the tubing. They are characteristics that add in quality and praticidade. The prensagem between connections provides to durability to the installations, guaranteeing a bigger estanqueidade. The maintenance is very lesser, and excuses the necessity to break walls to find the pipe defective