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Europe Mycenaean

Shows, there are thousands. Remains of Mycenaean influence was found in all of southern Europe, Asia minor and even today Russian lands. Mycenaean ships were leaving Greek ports loaded with luxurious ceramics, metals, weapons, oils and ointments and returned loaded with gold, ivory, precious fabrics and vitreous paste in a continuous marketing that turned the Eastern Mediterranean into a real commercial highway. It was clear that, under the Mycenaean point of view, Troy was left. And the Trojans, should think the same of the Greeks. This therefore was the main reason for the conflict. The peoples of Greece, United under the command of Agamemnon, had declare joint war on Troy that being a very powerful city, was perfectly well defended and ability to overcome them.

If you are certain the 10 years of duration of the war as Homer says, it is likely that they were not continued (as mentioned in the Iliad), but a succession of attacks or offensive whose power domeno ultimately, the haughty city. Defeated Troy, the Greeks had have initiated their expansion unhindered until the control of international trade. Archaeological discoveries have even allowed to clarify unknown points such as for example, the dress of their armies, weapons employing and shape of fortresses, ships, and various circumstances of the conflict. However, what remains a mystery is the later decline and destruction of Mycenae, perhaps annihilated by the sea peoples, a civilization which has no reference and that even today, it is a great enigma. The Mycenaean Greeks who had destroyed Troy were crushed by a surge invasive than He erased all rest of their civilization. Fantastic Mycenaean such as Tiryns and Mycenae fortified palaces were attacked and destroyed, dispersed population, fields were abandoned, depopulated the area and even the writing was lost. Only the Mycenaean Citadel of Athens, perched atop the Acropolis withstood the destruction.