Posts Tagged ‘farc’

Mount Moriah Abraham

Brothers, today finally clearly distinguish between what is to be tempted and tested. If, before continue crying inside we are going to stop and reflect on what this happening in our lives. According to Related Group, who has experience with these questions. This I live today comes from God or from the enemy? I am being tested or my flesh is simply an accomplice to my agony? Which is every son of God sooner or later will have to discover its sting, to learn to live with him. Learn to walk hand in hand with the Lord enlightened by his grace. Then it will be enough to say: I believe you God! Abraham was put to the test, their faith was in the heat of the fire, and the end result would be a piece of fine gold. But, it is difficult to be makes us obey obey without questioning the mandate of mortals, and where remains of Jesus? Cristo te this asking for something and you know it brother Lord tea this testing what is your answer? Is it so difficult to understand that the will of the father for our lives is best? Do not let the enemy come into scene, not give him space to begin playing with his game of temptation after temptation responds sister, are willing to give.

These willing to surrender before the Lord. You das account that you have to cross to the other side of the Jordan? That is time routing you to the Mount Moriah Abraham said yes. He believed his God and regardless of your pain I walk and we do that? What is our attitude towards life, to the challenges and tests? God tests us, God wants us to know that next to him everything is possible. Everything! Or do not remember when Paul said: everything what I can through Christ which strengthens me.