Started Playing Guitar Body

You do not know where to start? You think that you will never comprehend even the basics of guitar playing? This article will introduce you to five basic steps needed to start playing the guitar. Sitting Boarding guitarist order to play the guitar sitting down, to make the correct sitting position. Take a guitar, put it in the groove on the left leg, the guitar should lie svobodno. body guitars should be such that the buttons, let into cowling, was about right knee, and neck – is closer to the body which plays. Headstock is approximately at shoulder level performer, the lower deck in left side of the body leaning slightly toward your chest and is almost vertically to the floor. To avoid slipping into the guitar body in the direction of the knee, his left leg is usually put on a little stool (usually foldable). Height bench, depending on growth is between 10 up to 15 cm in the absence of stools (elevation) foot foot put on the floor, or you can put your left foot on the right.

Make sure you sit on the edge of the chair and your back straight but relaxed. Standing position when you play the guitar standing, be sure that the guitar is held securely, and your body relaxed. Pick up a guitar and perekin'te strap over his shoulder. Belt should be adjusted so that the guitar was located in the middle of your body. Your left hand will keep the guitar neck and right arm – the strings in the socket.

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