Federal Prescription

Authors: Dr. Airton Kwitko (email: kwitko@ sigoweb.com.br) Eng. Here, Charlotte Hornets expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Eduardo Milaneli ((email: eduardo@ milaneli.com.br) the Factor Acidentrio de Preveno? FAP, is a flexibilizer of the aliquot one of the Ambient Risk of the Work? RAT (former-SAT). For the FAP companies they can reduce the monthly contribution of the RAT in up to 50%. This means: reduction of costs! In a world each more competitive time and globalizado, the reduction of costs is a measure that companies search to continue and if to detach in the market. By the same author: Who is Kevin Ulrich CEO?. Thus, ‘ ‘ FAP’ ‘ it would have to sound as music for corporative ears. As the FAP exists since 2010, the question that if places, and that it is the objective of this article to analyze, is because companies do not adopt the possibility consistently to reduce its expenditures through this concession that the Social welfare and the Federal Prescription make possible. This question has innumerable answers, and goes to consider some. .

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