Christopher Columbus

Cigars? What do you mean by this term. When Christopher Columbus discovered America, he did not think of how many new things to bring into the world. And one of those things – cigars. Real-estate developer contains valuable tech resources. At first Old World took tobacco, and in particular cigar, which brought and smoked in public, Rodrigo de Jerez (one of the conquistadors) in arms, and he was jailed for three years by order of the Holy Inquisition. But later, cigar smoking has become very popular at first, but only in Spanish and Portuguese nobility, because the tobacco was very expensive. Although in a short time by the standards of history in VXIII century, through the intervention of the Dutch traders, cigars were in Europe and Russia. And in our time, this type of products distributed worldwide.

The word 'cigar' is derived from the language of ancient Indian tribes inhabiting the territory of South America. The first cigar factory was built in Cuba in 1541 by the Spaniards, learn how to make a Native American tribe. Only two centuries later was built the first cigar factory in Europe in the Spanish city of Seville. That cigar was born here in the form in which we are accustomed to see her today. If take-reading 2008, then we can say that the production of cigars now reached a climax. Different tobaccos grown in different countries reflect a sea flavor ottnkov acquired them in the process of growth, and combination tobacco from different countries in the manufacture of cigars, generates an even greater variety of flavors. Cigars are divided into three ways of production: Totalmente a mano (made entirely by hand), Hecho a mano (hand made), Machine (curl machine way).

I do not want to go into details and indulge in a separate description of each method, except to say that the best are Totalmente a mano, and Hecho a mano. Along with the high quality and well made cigars worldwide Distribute Wave counterfeit and contraband. On one of his only Cuba an annual turnover estimated by some experts to fifty million dollars. The bulk of the fakes are rolled in most of these illegal industries. Work at night, in the basement. The raw materials used stolen from the factories and plantations of tobacco leaves and pruning. A bunch of fake cigars out of 25 pieces is at the production site five, maximum – ten dollars. Add to this five dollars a box and stickers – and get ready to sell the product for fifteen dollars. So do not give your money mosheynikam that although the profit at the expense of your love for cigars. Buy cigars only tested the site, or an authorized representative of the direct producer of cigars!

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