
Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery operation that is used to improve both the appearance and the contour of the abdomen region. This procedure removes both the skin and excess fat from the middle or lower abdomen, while rubbing the muscles that are underlying in order to provide a much firmer appearance. A loose-looking abdomen may occur as a result of a very rough pregnancy or weight changes. For example, women who have had more than one pregnancy, you probably have stretched abdominal muscles with the skin, which can be greatly benefited by this cosmetic surgery. After giving birth, a woman can regain muscle tone, however this does not help to cut back the tissue that connects these muscles, as has been stretched. The skin may also be loose after losing weight dramatically and tends to hang and also did not respond properly to exercise.

This excess skin can be removed through abdominoplasty. Brief description of the procedure for this operation was first made an incision in the lower abdomen area just above the pubic region. The length of this cut depends on the amount of fat and skin that must be removed (may be from one hip to the other). To remove fat deposits can also be used for liposuction, abdominoplasty however needed and works best in the event that the muscles are stretched or there is a significant amount of loose skin. Obviously the situation is different for each patient, because in some cases it is necessary to remove more fat while others require that more skin is removed (in this case we speak of partial or complete abdominoplasty). .

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