Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’

Francisco Javier Vieira

The Prosecutor Superior of the community of Madrid, Manuel Moix, has attacked this Tuesday against the 15-M. Movement believes that it is ignoring the principle of democratic coexistence with their protests. Aguirre charge against the indignant and says that coups afoot as well. The fiscal superior of the community of Madrid, Manuel Moix, has attacked this Tuesday against 15 M motion to consider with their protests is ignoring the overriding principle of democratic coexistence, and he said that institutions are those behaviours that should eradicate. Moix is has rrido to 15 M, without naming it explicitly, during his message at the opening of the Judicial year 2012 of the community of Madrid, where has explained that it is institutions that have entrusted the role of eradicating all act that it violates constitutional norms which govern the relations between Spaniards. Neil cole has plenty of information regarding this issue.

For the Prosecutor of Madrid, behaviors such as the massive illegal occupation of public roads, hinder regional parliaments or local corporations, democratically elected by the citizens, or prevent run firm judgments, deslegitiman that so act and thereby manifest their ignorance about the values that should inspire the democratic coexistence. No rights, not even the rights recognised as fundamental, is absolute, said Moix, after what has asserted that all rights have their limits, and the first is respect for the rights of others. At the end of the ceremony, Moix has tinged that it has exposed a situation which has occurred recently and that, according to him, people should not view as a normal in coexistence, but as something abnormal. It has clarified that breaching a court decision may be a crime of disobedience to the judicial authority, as an offence is also to illegally occupy a public road because I want to, by my will. There has been a misunderstood tolerance, since you can never sympathize with offenders because that infringes the law carries the consequent correction, has opined. In the presence of the President of the High Court of Justice of Madrid, Francisco Javier Vieira, the President of the community, Esperanza Aguirre, and the Government delegate, Dolores Carrion, the Prosecutor has highlighted that an institutional approach that could be interpreted as inaction, tolerance and even sympathy with offenders, trasluciria weakness and distrust. Meanwhile, Carrion pointed at the conclusion of the Act which has not understood the words of Moix as a criticism of his management against the protests of the 15 M movement, since fully agree with him. Carrion has added the Government delegation has complied at all times with the law, and that when it has failed the police has identified offenders and has arrested people who have violated the law. Asked about numerous resignation requests that have made you to reach from the opposition and police unions by its management, the delegate has acknowledged that there has been a Director and any counselor who have requested it, but that she does not fit to comment thereon. Source of the news: the Madrid Prosecutor lashes out against the 15-M for “ignoring democratic values”

Coastal Winds Storms

The storms will be less likely in the West of the Peninsula. The winds will be strong in the Andalusian coast and Canary Islands. Temperatures are experienced a decrease in light to moderate. Without hesitation Ruben Mendoza explained all about the problem. A total of 34 provinces are on yellow alert (risk) by coastal winds, storms and rains that leave a build-up of up to 40 litres per square meter (l/m2) in an hour, according to the prediction of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (Aemet). Specifically, Almeria is in alert for coastal winds; Cantabria, the three Basque provinces, Burgos, Soria and Mallorca are placed on alert by rains; Valencia and Murcia are by storms; and the three Aragonese provinces, Madrid, Castile – La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Jaen and Malaga are Navarra, La Rioja, by rain and storms. This way, will be weak showers to moderate in the Eastern Cantabrian, Northeast quadrant, zone Center and the Balearic Islands.

These rains will be occasionally strong and they will be accompanied by storms, which, moreover, can be persistent across points of the Sistema Iberico. More weakly, precipitation can occur in any other point of the Peninsula, Ceuta and Melilla, although they will be less likely to the West, where will begin to transmit from the afternoon. In the Canary Islands, there is likelihood of weak rainfall in the North of the islands of greater importance and little cloudy skies elsewhere. Morning fog banks in Galicia will also be formed. On the other hand, the winds blow in loose to moderate from the North and West in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with strong Andalusian coast and Canary Islands intervals. Finally, the temperatures will experience a decline that will flicker of light to moderate, except in the Mediterranean area and in the Canary Islands, areas where the thermometers shall be maintained without significant changes. Source of the news: A total of 34 provinces are on alert by coastal winds, storms and rain

Entertainment Weekly

The singer will visit Springfield in one of the next installments in the popular series of drawings. The episode will be called Lisa Goes Gaga and will be released next spring. It is not the first appearance of Lady Gaga on the Simpsons but yes in which will acquire greater prominence. List: famous have appeared on the Simpsons. The singer Lady Gaga has recorded a small intervention in an episode of the Simpsons, which will be issued next spring as part of the twenty-third season of the series, as reported this week by the American press. The episode will be called Lisa Goes Gaga and the singer will make a stop in the town of Springfield to lift the spirits of its population, and in particular, of the character Lisa Simpson, who will try to return the joy with a speech and a dedicated song, explained the digital edition of Entertainment Weekly magazine. Gaga admitted, speaking to the publication, that intervene in the Simpsons made him to be somewhat nervous.

I do music, no I dedicate myself to put voice to characters every day of the week, and they are so well made and they are so convincing, sincere, crazy and fun, the sincerity of that humor should remind me myself, explained. The artist, 25 years, acknowledged that you have intervened in the series is one of the most interesting things he has done in his career, and revealed that the chapter gives a kiss to the matriarch of the family, Marge. I do a bit of fulana, said Gaga.It isn’t something very remote to my artistic side, he added. For its part, the creator of the series, Matt Groening, explained to magazine that his intention was always having the most celebrated personalities in the entertainment industry, and that, therefore, Lady Gaga could not miss on that list. By the series have gone the animated faces of names such as Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, The Who, Sting, Johnny Cash, Tom Jones, Mick Jagger, Elizabeth Taylor, Dustin Hoffman, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. Simpson, released in 1989, is the comedy that more time has been on the small screen at maximum audience in the U.S. schedule. Source of the news: Lady Gaga: “In the Simpsons do a little fulana”