Posts Tagged ‘women's health’

Three Day Diet

This three-day diet is observed for three days, followed by four days of normal (non-binge-eating) diet. Fast diet is a convenient and relatively easy to carry. Hoped that the three 'lean' days followed four normal, it helps to get through these three days. It is also important in the remaining four days to eat moderately and not try to 'offset', though, the body gradually becomes accustomed myself to 'keep a tight rein. " First day Breakfast: black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 slice of bread, 2 tablespoons jam. Second breakfast: half a grapefruit. Lunch: half of banks tuna in oil, 1 slice of bread, 4 radishes.

Dinner: 100 grams of chicken without skin and fat, 1 cup of cooked green beans, 1 cup cooked beet, a crisp bread. Chicken chop finely, add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and, stirring constantly, quickly fry in a dry frying pan with non-stick coating. Before bed: 1 small apple. 2-Day Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 egg (in any form – steamed, boiled, in the form of an omelette), 1 slice of bread. Dinner: 2 sausages, 1 cup cooked broccoli, 1 / 2 cup carrots, 1 crisp bread. Option – you can replace the broccoli + carrots 1 cup of dietary borscht.

Supper: Tea, 2 prunes. 3rd day: Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 5 crackers, 1 slice of cheese. 2-nd breakfast: 1 small apple. Glenn Dubin, New York City helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber (fresh or salted), 4 radishes, 1 slice of bread. Lunch: 1 / 2 cup tuna, 1 cup cooked beets, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 crisp bread. Option: Replace the tuna to 200 g (wet weight) of chicken, prepared as described above. Before bed: 1 / 2 small melon or small apple. This effective diet can be repeated many times until you have achieved the desired results. If it just needed a lot of drinking – 6-8 cups of plain water a day. Source: Journal of Women's

Nutrition Of Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, when the body undergoes a sudden change, it is particularly important to pay attention to healthy lifestyles and nutrition. In the days of our grandmothers advised pregnant women to eat for two, but New research in the field of medicine has shown: it is enough to consume only 400 calories a day more. In the case of overeating being overweight can lead to poor health of future mothers and to the abnormal development baby. But the main thing here – not 'how' and 'what'. A healthy diet is essential for successful pregnancy: it ensures proper fetal development and reduces the risk of various complications. San-antonio-spurs understands that this is vital information. If the doctor does not advise you any 'Special' diet designed just for you, feel free to follow our advice about nutrition.

Pregnant women need about 1,500 mg of calcium daily – do not forget it. Calcium is actively involved in development of the skeleton kid, and adequate calcium intake will save a woman from possible problems with the bone. Click Ken Kao to learn more. So if you want to keep your teeth healthy and bones strong, turn into the diet of foods rich in calcium: soy cheese "tofu", salmon, green leafy vegetables (lettuce) and dairy products. Another Nemenov important moment in the diet of pregnant women – need for iron, which has beneficial effects on blood composition. Iron is found in fish, poultry, eggs and cereals. However, the absorption of iron by the body is slow, therefore, for better and quicker assimilation of some parallel vrchi advised to take special supplements, even better – while eating.

Also promotes better absorption of iron foods rich in vitamin C. Folic acid is also very important for fetal growth. Consumption of 400 micrograms of folic acid daily can prevent more than 70% of the possible congenital defects of the embryo. Dark green vegetables, oranges, corn, beans, lean meat and liver are rich in folic acid, in any case affect the pregnancy is positive, but in the case of an acute shortage of doctors prescribe folic acid as a food supplement. Pregnant women are not encouraged to limit your diet: try not to skip meals and eat as much as is necessary for optimal weight gain. Distribute meals evenly, so that the level of sugar in the blood kept at the level of rates – no sharp changes in direction of decreasing or increasing. Eat a little, but more often. Diversify your diet seafood: fish, shrimp, seaweed Iodine and magnesium contained in them, are necessary for normal fetal development. Drink plenty of water to its level in your body and the body of the child. Water povyshet elasticity of the skin, helps prevent it from sagging, so quite soposobna insure you from the 'stretch' during pregnancy. In addition to everything, plenty of drink – one of the best means to combat constipation and varicose veins. Avoid eating undercooked meat and underdone ocean fish, because it may contain high levels of mercury. Do not overdo it with sweets. Elevated blood sugar can develop in a child predisposition to diabetes. Following these simple principles of healthy eating, you're already doing a great contribution to the development of the fetus and the future health of their offspring. Proper nutrition – and a healthy mother will be born healthy baby!