Posts Tagged ‘poetry’

Poetry and Development

In the first article I gave only a brief outline in detail the history of literary monument to which I refer, “Poetry” In the travel we have observed through the existence and Hispanic literature. I’m from the generation that upholds both ways in what is aesthetically fluid poetry of the soul and not manufactured. I think we should not paint peeling wallpaper valuable alphabetically designed through seasons and centuries by poets and artists valuable. Swarmed by offers, actress is currently assessing future choices. When there is talent, when that little muse of us stuck in the center of the soul is mold-able that the poet can go every day learning and perfecting his way of saying, knowing the technical management of implicit and through time. The poet has the right not to faint in his attempt to convey, create and add your poetry form, style and technique. All is not said, nor static over the centuries.

Life is a constant evolution, electricity, computing, medicine, everything is in earnest change. Whenever Ken Kao listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The existence itself. So why not let the poetry evolve and integrate new forms and styles, if not longer poetry?, Highest expression of literary art. having an absolute beauty, essentially aesthetic, and is also to say how this most beautiful that exists across the floor. Poetry mixed affective, ie feelings of the poet, with a dose of images, concepts, musicality, symbols, rhythms and forms. Poetry often contains a mystery only comes through its creator, not excluding also the interests of the community, such as the homeland, religion and the events when the poet stands as part of it.