Posts Tagged ‘history’

Husni History

Admiration for Carioca Tahia Great admirer of the lendria Carioca Tahia dancer, Fifi wants to produce a film on it. For this, it asked for to the Faisal producer Nothing that transformed the life of the dancer into a novel for television, in which will play the main role. The series will count the history of Tahia since the beginning, its trips for the world dancing, its relationships with innumerable figures of the world politician and the entertainment and as it finished its career resigning to the dance. Fifi always wanted to represent Tahia in the screen and decided to make it same it as a tribute to the lendria dancer, the heirs of Tahia had however threatened to process Fifi Abdo because of its project. Osama Husni al-Jiddawi, nephew of Tahia, threatened Fifi Abdo, saying that the inheritance and the memory of its aunt belong its family and nobody could use its history without permission. Fifi alleged that Tahia, granted permission to it before dying, but Osama denies to have knowledge on this subject. Acrecentou that passed the last days with its aunt and nothing were mentioned on any contract or agreement with Fifi. The actress Raja Jiddawi, niece of Tahia, affirmed that the family is not against the novel, but want to certify themselves of that history will be joust regarding the facts and of the great works made for its aunt.

It said not to import case Fifi Abdo or Nadia Al-Jundi interprets the paper. ' ' The thing most important is that it is a good work, that homages the great talent of mine tia' ' , it affirmed the actress. Raja concluded, saying that the thing most important is to show last the twenty and five years of the life of Tahia, into which if it transformed into one devoted Muslim one, remaining in house, reading the Coro and going Meca for the peregrination.

Brazilian Empire

In the start of the decade of 1880 the referring to abolitionism campaign reached the height, in all part. Many provinces had closed its alfndegas the importation of slaves; but the movement of Abolition of the Slavery in the province of Grain-Par had opened them it the exportation (…), specifically in Belm was inside of a radius of action that infected the Brazilian Empire all, mainly in the end of the decade of 80 of the eight hundred. From 1887 and 1888 we find a strong movement pro-release of the slaves infected for the ressurgimento of the movement of unrestricted and unconditional Abolition that it relights between 1883 and 84 in the capital of the empire and the province of the Cear. The historiografia on this period standes out that from 1884 the abolitionism relights as a movement almost that I join in all the parts of the empire. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Tony Parker has to say. In this direction Robert Conrad it points some characteristics that had led to the ressurgimento of this movement.

In this aspect the author cites who ' ' at the beginning by 1884, the abolitionism of the capital of the empire took for the first time the character of movement of masses. It was to the emancipation of Cear, however, that it took the movement for the streets with a carnival spirit, that paralyzed the normal activities of the River during three days and that it created an impetus that fast resulted in the release of part of cidade' ' This euphoria that infected the capital of the empire was a consequence of the movement of enslaved emancipation that occurs in the Cear and that also it was spread in the province of Amazon. In Belm it could not be different. The abolitionists of Belm had also used diverse forms to contest the question of the Slavery that if he processed in the province.

Economic Reproduction

When the moment arrives at century XVII, that has umadificuldade of economic reproduction and that the proper colonies decline naminerao do not have more the accumulation of funds as happened throughout sculoXV. In the same flow of entrance throughout century XV-XVI and it did not have criaode alternative capitalists of production, it did not have as to keep padrode the same ostentation and consumption for more not having economic support. In the text of Hespanha, the capitalism starts to desconstruir and imporuma idea of the possibility of a social mobility through the merit, daconstruo of the individuality, a bourgeois mentality; The ReformProtestante constructs an ideological recital in order to fight extra-economic umamentalidade a time that it estimates to usury, to the wealth, parasona land since that has the rationality to have wealth wisdom, to follow asvontade of god and to apply this capital in way that the capitalist economy gireacerca of the work. This work in turn, it will not be based on the directed sistemacolonial or by the favour or the subsistence, but by the investment, enterprise. The Maritime and commercial Expansion would finish initiating gradualmenteo process of globalization in the end it century XV, bringing the commerce for the eixoAtlntico and goes if desconstruindo all a egeocomercial geopolitical hegemony. A special care is necessary when they relate that doenasque if proliferated in the Europe and had helped in the crisis.

It is understood that the expulsodos peasants in reason of the cercamentos of the fields resulted in a demasiadamigrao for the urban centers and generating one ' ' inchao' ' demographic euma agglomeration of individuals in an only environment helped in the proliferation dedoenas and the proper beggary. However, if they do not have to make responsible essesfatores to the crisis because it does not have occurrence in virtue of a declniopopulacional. In production terms, of 1492-1650, when this crisis comes out, amerindian apopulao (of the north of Canada to Patagnia) it was exterminada, according to statistics, was extinct.

Europe Historical

Congregated I appeal for it the religion, men and women of all the regions of the Europe had acquired from sc. X the conscience to form an only people, an entity that it intended to espelhar and to configure the celestial order to the Christianity. The author insists on the necessity to adopt an attitude of submission to documents and alert on the fact of preconceptions and anacronismo they can distort the results of the research and that to emphasize the requirement of the allegiance to the sources, he does not want to say I officiate that it of the historian is mere passive or receptive, and that the historian has the task to make the studied document to speak, exactly that the analyzed material seems little eloquent, fits the historian to take off the greater number of information. Being thus, the historical documentation can be considered an inexhaustible source of knowledge and if interrogated well it can get new information. One of the firing pins of this renewal was Tohan Huzinga, that has 70 years when the historical research if limited the subject politician and economic it looked for to describe ideas, the feelings and the forms of thoughts of the medieval man. The historical documents are ' ' certifications of the man experience and passado' ' as such also request that the experience human being who reads who them, she enters in game to be understood. The value of the historical knowledge is directly function of interior wealth, of the spirit opening and of the magnanidade of it elaborated who it. The historian must be first of everything, a man fully opened to whom he human being. The historical research is one dialogues with the past, it is in this tension the same enters and the other that the knowledge of the humanity oldest can continue to enrich our existence in a century where the anxiety of the man is born of questioning of all its basic references, ' ' therefore the history of escreve' ' , supporting itself at the same time in the presence of the memory of the past and in the understanding of in the distance that it exists between last and present.

Felix Ugaz Lion

Indignation and repudiation has spread throughout the country for this reason, the Centre of students of medicine CEM – Trujillo, has issued a statement that identifies with this pain and where to express their strong rejection to the impunity leave this killing unpunished and require security, with entire rightness, an contingency fund, a budget for Bio materials for students who are exposed to be victims of various in the daily contact with patients with infectious diseases communicable diseases without proper protection measures and a plan of protection by the State. iscussion. As a former President of the CEM-Trujillo, I add me to this outrage and remind them that the great causes that CEM has defended, forging, both in the consolidation of the faculty, are causes that have demanded great days, slaughtered measures of struggle, enormous sacrifices and especially an awareness of the student body about these measures and its close relationship with the organized people represented by various Union institutionsacademic and popular. And as said the young Legionary 20 centuries ago do justice so that the truth might not perish! This fight must do justice, if there is responsible for these should be punished, this fight You must get a contingency fund a budget for these events which affect the student, a young doctor and you must also obtain the young Felix Ugaz Lion, ggsea appointed to the legion of martyrs of the medicine in the Peru..

Ship Business

Second, a significant savings can be obtained at the expense of simplicity and cheapness of the process necessary tool. Axes and saws are not expensive and durable. Third, tangible benefits will reduce the huge number of engineers and others, completely unnecessary servants, whose salaries are spent significant amounts of the budget. (Freed bureaucratic hands can also be used in the galleys). The content and maintenance of the ship in readiness so is not very expensive.

Once a year, it must be daubed. Due to the fact that the ship is equipped with, besides oars and a sail, the additional development will be those sectors of the economy, which is practically not developed. Agriculture economy to revive a crop of flax and hemp, light and textile industries will receive orders for fabric and sewing the sails. Rope production will receive additional orders. Just need the wax and resin. Due to increased demand in wax beekeeping industry will gain a strong incentive to revive the economy bee, which, in turn, would increase the production of bee products (pollen, bee venom, royal jelly, propolis, honey) for the production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food industry. Increased consumption of high quality timber will force the state to pay attention to the preservation and update of the forest fund, which, in turn, apart from the expected economic benefits, improve and ecological situation in the country. Wood processing industry will get an incentive to produce quality goods and implementation of its domestic market instead of exporting logs abroad.

Duarte School

In the year of 1924, the law of I number 94 of 06 of June, determines that the expirations of the municipal professors were composed of value of commanded and the gratuity, to put the temporary professors, in vacation or of license they would not have right the incorporation of the gratuities. In the year of 1925 we have the creation of the first mixing school of great Mountain range, was an elementary school, law of I number 115 of 28 of August of 1925? In 1930 it had a school kept for the fishing, destined to the children of the same ones, mainly the ones that liveed in Tento, typical quarter of Valena where they inhabit fishing and marisqueira, has the Fishing colony there. This school of years 30 was kept for the fishing Association. 1936 cite Duarte that studied in a Called school Siqueira Fields (Verbal Story of Mr., Duarte in Galvo, 1999)? Another characterization of the educative history of the city has to see with the formations of the armies of lay professors enlisted by the governments with the objective to all educate the children of the domestic territory as foreseen by the National plan of Education of 1937 and the interests of the New state (citation of Mr. Clovis Duarte in Galvo, 1999, P. 86)? In the decade of 1940 the sprouting of the Advising College Zacarias, at this time already functioned the Parochial school and the school of Fabrica Ours Lady of the Support in the Village for the basic education in the series 1, 2 and 3 degree? In the decade of 50, a teacher called Maria Lourdes Chagas, wife of the Dr. Adenoel Chagas, judge of Valena, establishes the School Garden of Infancy, with preschool and elementary education of the first letters. It is the first experience of the school whose methodology includes the works manual, the ballet, the theater, together with the alfabetizao.

New Year Celebration

Last September the New Year was celebrated in 1698. Having ascended to the throne, Peter the Great changed the calendar, and a way of celebrating the New Year, referring to European nations. Beginning in 1700 and the present, chronology starts from the birth of Christ, and not from time immemorial. But if the old Russian calendar was still in force, we would now celebrate the new year 7510. In Russia at the beginning of the century on New Year's baked dough pets: horses, cows and bulls. And when the house came kolyadovat, guest gifts to these figures, various sweets and nuts. Also felt that the new year must meet a new dress, shoes – and then go to the full year new dress. Typically, before the New Year gave all debts, forgive all wrongs, those who were at loggerheads, have been obliged to make peace, so ask forgiveness of each other.

Italy New Year begins the sixth of January. All the Italian kids from looking forward to a good Fairy Befanu. It flies at night on a magic broom, opens the door a little golden key, and went into a room where children sleep, filled with gifts for children socks, especially hanging from the fireplace. The one who poorly studied or naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ashes or coals. It's a shame, but because he earned it! Italy is considered that the new year should start by getting rid of everything old. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve passed throw from the windows old things.

Old Republic

The difficulty of classroom organization, of the formation of representative associations and parties made of the authoritarian solution an attraction constante' '. 12 What dumb from the New State it is that the authoritarianism of Vargas, is not the authoritarianism of colonels of the Old Republic. We can say that it follows the aspects of the ideologies of the European totalitarismos. He has broken myself of the idea that the State would have to organize the society, or the society would have to be organized from the State, therefore it imagined that the society did not have conditions of if organizing without a strong State. ' ' The authoritarian chain did not bet in the party and yes in the Estado' '. 13 Even so the authoritarianism and the totalitarianism possessed distinct aspects, Vargas, as well as in regimes totalitarian knew to use itself the propaganda, as much to organize the coup d etat, how much to support it as to be able in the years that if had followed. As well as the fascism and nazism, the State of Vargas was a propagandist State. In Italy, according to Perry: ' ' The propaganda fascist inculcou habits of disciplines and obedience: ' Mussolini always has razo'.

' It believes! It obeys! It fights! '. The press, the cinema and the radio idealized the life under the fascism, leaving implicit that it eradicates the crime, the poverty, and the tensions sociais' '. 14 Regarding the propaganda, it in the government Vargas it served for ' ' glorificar' ' the figure of the president, as the proper State and the cult to the leader, this also was a mark of Vargas. On the social crimes and tensions, this in many times is silenced by the proper machine of the State. Social tensions are calmed, unions control the masses, that have many of its taken care of claims.