Husni History
Admiration for Carioca Tahia Great admirer of the lendria Carioca Tahia dancer, Fifi wants to produce a film on it. For this, it asked for to the Faisal producer Nothing that transformed the life of the dancer into a novel for television, in which will play the main role. The series will count the history of Tahia since the beginning, its trips for the world dancing, its relationships with innumerable figures of the world politician and the entertainment and as it finished its career resigning to the dance. Fifi always wanted to represent Tahia in the screen and decided to make it same it as a tribute to the lendria dancer, the heirs of Tahia had however threatened to process Fifi Abdo because of its project. Osama Husni al-Jiddawi, nephew of Tahia, threatened Fifi Abdo, saying that the inheritance and the memory of its aunt belong its family and nobody could use its history without permission. Fifi alleged that Tahia, granted permission to it before dying, but Osama denies to have knowledge on this subject. Acrecentou that passed the last days with its aunt and nothing were mentioned on any contract or agreement with Fifi. The actress Raja Jiddawi, niece of Tahia, affirmed that the family is not against the novel, but want to certify themselves of that history will be joust regarding the facts and of the great works made for its aunt.
It said not to import case Fifi Abdo or Nadia Al-Jundi interprets the paper. ' ' The thing most important is that it is a good work, that homages the great talent of mine tia' ' , it affirmed the actress. Raja concluded, saying that the thing most important is to show last the twenty and five years of the life of Tahia, into which if it transformed into one devoted Muslim one, remaining in house, reading the Coro and going Meca for the peregrination.