Posts Tagged ‘music’

Marie Claire January

Christina Aguilera, heavily pregnant pop princess, now appears for the magazine Marie Claire January on the cover. Special about it is that Christina is totally naked! In an interview stating that the pregnancy for her and her husband Jordan Bratman was an absolute surprise. At Adam Sandler you will find additional information. “We wanted both kids, but actually I wanted to become pregnant after the tour. I dropped off the pill, but not exactly knew how much time I have in which prevention protection still exists. Well, and then it just just happened.” Aguilera could not be pregnant at a worse time, because shortly before she had learned that she’s pregnant, she had extended “Back to Basic” her already eight world tour for another month. The show in which it 10 times to change her outfit, travels with a circus and rides a carousel, Christina is pure stress and stress is not well known for the unborn child. Christina wanted to jeopardize her baby but definitely not.

She said: “I was really careful about everything… There so so many things that could could go wrong, E.g. I would fall. I wanted my child injured in any case. A highly pregnant Christina Aguilera wore it the sweet secret under her heart and not turned to be equal to the press on this subject available. “I did not think the audience” what want the pregnant woman on the stage? Is to save? “But of course knew my band and my dancers all know.” She justified her decision to have said anything about the pregnancy so that she was not a person so long, the world just says “Hey, guys I’m pregnant!” Aguilera said that she very much has the idea to have a large family, but she have not yet determined number of children in the eye. We can be curious young on the Aguilera.

The Unknown Heroes Of Our Time

To date, the media networks spread the poem "I'm such as is". In social networks (vkontake) in the pages of girls in information "about yourself", in blogs, forums, websites dedicated to poetry – everywhere there are these lines without labels. Difficult to calculate the total number of publications of the text on the web. But exactly what it has long exceeded 50 000. Related Group is likely to agree. Relatively recently there was a song in the style of chanson of the same name ("I'm such as is, "singer Olga Honey, Moscow, 2007) So who is the author of this poem? Or is it folk art? Modern folklore? As with any product, this poem is very specific author. "I'm such as I mean, I will not be another "- words from the track of the Peter sekses, You are so as is ". The author of these lines is Oleg Grigonis (MC CuKuM).

In the summer of 2006 the band recorded their first track "You're such as it is, guys (MC zxr – Sergei , and mc CuKuM – Oleg Grigonis) immediately began posting it on forums and websites devoted to hip-hop. Sela Ward is a great source of information. Great was their joy when, after a month or two, they found one of the sites dating converted a first-person lyrics. He proudly flaunted in the form in the section "Information about yourself." This was followed by the second, third, fourth discovery One would assume that the popularity of the young group is growing! But it was not. Verse "I'm such as is obtained life of its own, separate from the song and the band. Online you can find many "authors" of these lines, happy girls who have dedicated their young people, these poems published in magazines, even the songs recorded at these words! On the face of blatant copyright infringement! But to stop the avalanche of misinformation spread .

Bille Now

Beer King in the ABC of love”s noise! For months, she have fought for the dream. Now he has been short for Andi, Bille and Clemens the ABC true: the appearance on Malle! The Mall star Peter Wackel was impressed with the three and their song, he just brought them in the beer King. On the access they presented exclusively the single the ABC’s of love”in the WA live show. Initially, the three students were laughed at malls for your mission. Now they are even envied: your Facebook followers counts over 1,000 friends and the music video for the song has almost 20,000 views. From 17.09., your single is the ABC’s of love”in the shops and will all be available as a download. Margaret Loesser Robinson has plenty of information regarding this issue. You never thought that it does. Now the mission is fulfilled and the dream become reality.

After the mission accomplished Malle we solved the Docusoap on by the weekly news from. There then to see the latest stories and stories about the ABC. AND SO BEGAN ALL students want to know: can you land so easy a Malle hit? The first idea we write the Malle hit 2010 “. We are students from Stuttgart and Munich. There’s more to say. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Neil Cole. “But, one still: anyone can the Mission’s Malle” accompany. On, there are now each week to see a new video post.

The story of one night Andi and Clemens sat at the kitchen table of the WG. After Wild drauflos singing the melody burned into their minds. To reinforce have”still Bille – brought to a singing talent – with the band. “The lyrics of the song the ABC’s of love” wrote the trio itself. Now, they have musical implemented the whole thing and recorded in the Studio. The song is finished and even a music video was made. The goal was the appearance on Mallorca – namely this summer! This is now achieved and all are excited it how it now continues that gives immediately to see the weekly ABC News on the Web site. The background the idea at the end 2009. Twosome started, the team is now from a solid core of eight people. If we include those directly and indirectly involved are even 20 people. The Manager of ABC, Dominik Guyer, studying applied media economics with the specialty media acting & rhetoric at the Academy of media GmbH in Stuttgart. Task is all around the topic of management (PR, sponsor acquisition, organization). The majority of the team consists of students from the Bavarian Academy for television (short BAF) in Munich. With Clemens Bittner, occupied the course to the video journalists, they are responsible for the production of the videos. In addition, Clemens is the project leader. On the question of the meaning of the project Clemens and Dominik reply: we have already shown that they can motivate a lot of people to join in with a good idea. Now, the whole team is excited to see how we make it far with the story in the public. Also there is a lot of fun and every one of us makes new, exciting contacts.

British Minogue

The magazine glamour let their readers choose her, opinions differ. Some are gross and one bad mother. The others are enthusiastic about her, because she is a super model and a fashion icon. The latter has demonstrated again now until they. Read additional details here: Tony Parker. Kate Moss is back at the top of the bestgekleidesten women of the last year by the magazine glamour. Thus, she ousted last year’s winner Kylie Minogue. Supermodel Moss ruled for three years this list until it was then overtaken by Minogue in 2007.

Last year’s winner Minogue crashed this year even on the 19th place. The reader found her appearance in a black Catsuit with lace on the British talent show the X factor is probably not so sparkling. Kate Moss ousted also its worst competitors on the places such as Sienna Miller, Scarlett Johansson Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston. Only once five to name the first. “Kate is returned. This time even sexier than before.

She is a loner, and that is reflected in their fashion “, so Jo Elvin of glamour. Of course it can go another way. Britney Spears was elected as a bad gekleideteste woman of last year. A title which she hardly will be envied. The list appears in the upcoming may issue. We look forward on it. Lisa Walters

Bernhard Brink – Either Way

Bernhard Brink enables it to capture the musical Zeitgeist! If an artist like his albums title such as “Bull” or “Pop Titan”, then the surmise that there is someone who loves clear statements and statements. Also on the new album by Bernhard Brink, these clear statements like a red thread through the songs drag. Is also just as Bernhard Brink. The title of the album but also an indicator is “Either way”, that there is also another side to him, which the quieter, reflective tones. But no matter what character page by Bernhard Brink, we prefer lots of succeeded him in any case, us on his new album again modern, pop-oriented hits hits present. Brink manages it with his musical team to capture the musical zeitgeist and to incorporate new trends and currents in his songs.

Honest, concise, party and soundlich at the highest level, the album represents exactly the type of hits, which fits 100% in our time. Bernhard Brink is all active stars of the 70s without a doubt one of the most successful and most innovative. Checking article sources yields Sally Rooney as a relevant resource throughout. While other pop stars of that era lived for decades only of old hits, manages to convince Bernhard Brink with each album and to submit songs suspicious of repeatedly hit. Standstill is unthinkable for him and so he approaches with his own passion to every new album. Additional information is available at Karina Reardon. “Either way” pursues a coherent concept and thrives on honest stories from life. So point landing pop lyrics, who better to write nobody sees as a star writer Joachim Horn Bajaj.

Content theme is the love with all possible facets. To get the catchy melodies of songs and a top production, which was in the hands of composer and producer Andre Franke. The first single “seven tablets chocolate” is sounding proof of successful songwriting. What to do if the girlfriend or wife makes party with her friend for the first time in Mallorca and the spouse or friend alone at home moping. It helps only the sweet stuff from whole milk and cocoa. Reason enough to sing a song about this sweet, healing souls wonderful tender temptation. Musically, the song has everything needs a hit: A funny text, a danceable Groove and a sing-along chorus, which immediately goes into the ear. But if you think that it would be then with the hit numbers, is wrong. Equal to the title track “Either way” rocks with loose…

World Of Music And Illusion

The main reason for inhalation of solvents are hallucinations, like dreams. These dreams can be both pleasant and threatening, but always very bright and colorful. Often collected in a drug-addict group of several people to become members of the same "dream". In the sixties of the twentieth century has seen first victims of substance abuse and substance abuse was then identified as a new kind of addiction. Inhalation of volatile organic solvents mainly interested in children between the ages of eight and sixteen years, and this "hobby" bore, and still is widespread.

The most frequently used inhalants – glue, paint thinners, dry cleaning fluid, lighter fuel, gasoline, nail polish – have gained popularity among children from poor families and low-cost availability of free sale. To read more click here: Dave Cowens. This bias is mainly develops from the interest or peer pressure. Although inhalant abuse is widespread, but, for example, poor people in developed countries and concluded far greater abuse these substances. Nitrite is also very popular among homosexuals to enhance sexual arousal. There are few signs that it is easy to determine nyuhacha (so referred to substance abuse) is swollen red eyelids, impaired gait and speech, similar to alcohol intoxication. The main reason for inhalation of solvents are hallucinations, like dreams. But the initial intoxication in pairs similar to alcohol.

"Nyuhach" feels nice sound in your head, lift the mood, warmth and relaxation. Then the mind loses its clarity, the actual environment is perceived illusory. Objects change their shape, colors appear bright and deep, and sounds unusual.

Philharmonic Conservatory Theater

And the man at the subconscious level believe in God, to ourselves as a piece of it, into love, in kindness, in what will be happy! It has been running for thousands of years and can increase to include the best, most pure, They build quality man! Working through the emotions subliminal music and songs are characterized by a wonderful benefit The same thing can make the music! But, acting in the same way through the emotions the subconscious mind, it has, inter alia, a number of excellent benefits. Thus, to hear the music or song, does not necessarily go to church (although the Philharmonic Conservatory Theater impressions can be multiplied many times over). Enough to include radio, TV, tape recorder, computer, hear from other people, etc. The second advantage is that the songs and the music people can perform, and even create their own, which raises their self-esteem. They see themselves attached to the art, the creators of beauty. It ennobles man.

Current features allow to replicate the best music and songs, enjoy the greatest creations of any fine craftsmen Finally, modern information technology allows replicate the best, highest-quality music samples and lyrics, which allows almost anyone to enjoy the greatest creations of fine artists. Limitations of music and songs, but the other side of the same coin, entitled "Music and Song 'are its properties, causing certain limitations and even dangers for man. It should be understood, to feel the encrypted music and songs, emotions, feelings, First impressions of the restriction is necessary to understand the music, feel it, in order to be able to fully understand the encrypted information in it, emotions, feelings and impressions.

Complete Adventures

The ultimate adventure collection with more than seven hours of bonus material including unreleased scenes appears Hamburg on September 27 on Blu-ray, 30.08.2012 – finally comes every memorable feat of the world-renowned Globetrotters Indiana Jones in flawless picture and sound quality in the home theater. “Indiana Jones the complete Adventures” by Lucasfilm Ltd. appears on 27 September 2012 for the first time on Blu-ray at paramount home media distribution. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” of the cinema classic of that started it all was carefully restored headed by Director Steven Spielberg, and sound designer Ben Burtt. In addition, “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “Indiana Jones and the last crusade” were common alongside the 2008 published “Indiana Jones Kingdom of Crystal Skull” newly revised. For the first time, all four films of the epic and award-winning series in excellent high definition available are therefore. Megan fox takes a slightly different approach.

FANTASTIC EXTRAS also include all the exciting adventures of Indy each set seven Hours of fascinating documentaries, featurettes and interviews with actors and filmmakers. This comprehensive collection of “behind the scenes” bonus material is supplemented by a brand new two-part documentary titled “On Set with Raiders of the Lost Ark From Jungle to Desert and From Adventure to Legend”. Read more from Sela Ward to gain a more clear picture of the situation. With almost an hour little-known film footage from the set of the film and archived interviews with Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Harrison Ford, transport these rousing pieces fans back in time, where the legend began. UNIQUE new revision of the successful series of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” has been restored carefully and with much love, to feel the preservation of the original looks, sounds, and the iconic film. The original negative was scanned at 4 K and then edited frame-by-frame, so that all the damage could be repaired. Sound design was preserved in a similar way with Burtt’s original master mix, which was has been archived and is unused since 1981. New stereo surrounds have been using create original music tracks and original effects that were previously only in Mono available, recorded in stereo. In addition the Sub-bass revised completely up to the modern standards and it has been taken to improve the dialogue and small technical defects, to create the most comprehensive and highest quality sound version, as far as possible while maintaining the ideas of the Director.

Well Word

Like, I miss the full, and because of these scumbag miss and the first swim, and the extract from the hospital. Lying, that I do not give here call even once wept with her almost in sync. For such artistry I put Oscar in Hollywood, I put my pipe, and next to me laughing people, And I, of course, with them: how otherwise? That there should trade his favorite so fooled. And now, eight lines seriously, no sarcasm: Cops are all sorts, good and different, more wretched and communicate with them is dangerous, especially if you're not local, but the city red. Judge Shipovskaya heartily wish immediately after birth 10 days that's just hang out without her husband.

Goodbye, city, Stalingrad, now clear to me, Where is the capital of our police state. I would like to apologize to Volgograd police are great guys and they have principles, and it is necessary to stray from the capital insolent, I had to shoot me at all, what could be penny wise. Me well fed and treated well with me, I sat with shining with happiness soup. Volgograd detention center – the real Garden of Eden, What a pity that I was finally released. In our country, the word free to do whatever it wants: admire the scenery outside the window barred, to see beautiful dreams in the dirty bunk, curled up and enjoy friendly peredachek content. Word – not a sparrow, and that they should not departed him, just in case do not give money where its mouth, at least by the Administrative or criminal, then no other cases do not want to have the word. By the way special treatment in the Russian Federation: Its like one to dread, others are fearful. First – thanks for the support and incentive not to give in, Well, the second in that 10, not 15. Respect and uvazhuha you from me and others arrested for a comfortable life and a camera all ready, for a shower with soap, free food, and bragging rights twice a day defecate.

Black Eyed Peas

In today's day in humans there are lots of options pastime – you can go to the bowling alley, a movie, read a book, do sports, just not listed. But there are activists who take a hands cans of spray paint tape recorder and go to the street graffiti, break dancing, rapping, break away under RnB etc. Consider these little street traffic. Hip-Hop So Hip-Hop. Hip-hop street culture, which includes in itself such areas as: music (they favor rap), dancing (there appears Breakdancing), fine (this is, of course, graffiti) and sports (basketball and streetball). Birth of Hip-Hop was in the U.S., about 70's years in New York, and then it brought to Russia in the region of 80s.

Rap is one of the directions of traffic – Hip-hop, rap is based on MC-ing, the so-called reader (a sort of recitative). People such as Sofar Sounds would likely agree. Solemn date of occurrence of rap is considered to be 1979, because in the end seventieth were issued the first two rap songs: Sugarhill Gang 'Rappers Delight' and the Fatback Band 'King Tim III'. The most popular rap groups and rappers today are: Eminem, G-Unit, The Game, Mobb Deep, Kanye West, Jay-z, Dr.Dre, Lil Jon, Bone Crusher, Chamillionaire, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg, dmx. Just do not forget about the rapper from the Old School, which for any rapper are the legends of hip-hop. The most outstanding representatives of the old school are: Onyx, Wu-tang Clan, Ice T, 2pac, Beastie boys, big, Fat Joe, Ice Cube Among the Russian members of this subculture brighter than the other showed itself: Caste, Bad B, St1m, Guf, Smokey Mo, Dots, Legalize. Sometimes RnB people, little versed in rap and RnB, that Rap and RnB are the same, but it is not.

If we compare Rap and RnB, then, as mentioned earlier, lies at the heart of rap recitative – MC-ing, and RnB is on the slope raspevku voice. In the west, has long been a part of RnB culture, in Russia this trend is just entering into force. Here is a list of the most popular RnB-groups to date: Black Eyed Peas, Akon, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna. Of the Russian popular other BandEras, Bianca, Potap and Kamenskih.