New Year Celebration

Last September the New Year was celebrated in 1698. Having ascended to the throne, Peter the Great changed the calendar, and a way of celebrating the New Year, referring to European nations. Beginning in 1700 and the present, chronology starts from the birth of Christ, and not from time immemorial. But if the old Russian calendar was still in force, we would now celebrate the new year 7510. In Russia at the beginning of the century on New Year's baked dough pets: horses, cows and bulls. And when the house came kolyadovat, guest gifts to these figures, various sweets and nuts. Also felt that the new year must meet a new dress, shoes – and then go to the full year new dress. Typically, before the New Year gave all debts, forgive all wrongs, those who were at loggerheads, have been obliged to make peace, so ask forgiveness of each other.

Italy New Year begins the sixth of January. All the Italian kids from looking forward to a good Fairy Befanu. It flies at night on a magic broom, opens the door a little golden key, and went into a room where children sleep, filled with gifts for children socks, especially hanging from the fireplace. The one who poorly studied or naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ashes or coals. It's a shame, but because he earned it! Italy is considered that the new year should start by getting rid of everything old. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve passed throw from the windows old things.

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