Economic Reproduction

When the moment arrives at century XVII, that has umadificuldade of economic reproduction and that the proper colonies decline naminerao do not have more the accumulation of funds as happened throughout sculoXV. In the same flow of entrance throughout century XV-XVI and it did not have criaode alternative capitalists of production, it did not have as to keep padrode the same ostentation and consumption for more not having economic support. In the text of Hespanha, the capitalism starts to desconstruir and imporuma idea of the possibility of a social mobility through the merit, daconstruo of the individuality, a bourgeois mentality; The ReformProtestante constructs an ideological recital in order to fight extra-economic umamentalidade a time that it estimates to usury, to the wealth, parasona land since that has the rationality to have wealth wisdom, to follow asvontade of god and to apply this capital in way that the capitalist economy gireacerca of the work. This work in turn, it will not be based on the directed sistemacolonial or by the favour or the subsistence, but by the investment, enterprise. The Maritime and commercial Expansion would finish initiating gradualmenteo process of globalization in the end it century XV, bringing the commerce for the eixoAtlntico and goes if desconstruindo all a egeocomercial geopolitical hegemony. A special care is necessary when they relate that doenasque if proliferated in the Europe and had helped in the crisis.

It is understood that the expulsodos peasants in reason of the cercamentos of the fields resulted in a demasiadamigrao for the urban centers and generating one ' ' inchao' ' demographic euma agglomeration of individuals in an only environment helped in the proliferation dedoenas and the proper beggary. However, if they do not have to make responsible essesfatores to the crisis because it does not have occurrence in virtue of a declniopopulacional. In production terms, of 1492-1650, when this crisis comes out, amerindian apopulao (of the north of Canada to Patagnia) it was exterminada, according to statistics, was extinct.

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