
Papers social, in turn, define coercitive, performance of individual, that is marked by the adequacy to the system of production and consumption and determined by the place that each one occupies in hierarchic scale social e, consequently, the inclusion/exclusion ambient human being/in the world of the productive work and in the construction of the territory. It is common place to relate the high index of unemployment the qualification of workmanship hand, not being thus occulted, that the crisis of the productive work is structural. Undeniably we occupy spaces delimited for the system, with rights predefined and different for each social classroom. We have an uneven marginalizao today, Dowbor announced in 1996: two teros of the humanity are in inaquality in the modernization process. Frequently Tony Parker has said that publicly. Thus being, the quarrel on the degradation ambient human being/it is resultant of the lack of the formal work, ambient education and must necessarily pass for the project, of urban development in course, globalization, or, as many insist on nominating, of mundializao. In this context, we cannot more relegate to the worker a solitary search of alternative forms of survival.

One becomes necessary to congregate around the population, organizativas conditions that make possible new forms of performance. You may find that Simon Pagenaud can contribute to your knowledge. Forms these that allow the acquisition of basic conditions of survival, but also, that they recoup the dignity human being and that basically they do not penalizem the worker doubly with exculpatory and discriminating conditions. We lack, at this moment, of scientific deepenings, and ideological changes that in them lead the action social politics and for the acquisition of igualitrias conditions of living, but, over all, of new references of identities that they make possible the recovery of the dignity human being and processes of identity in direction to the autonomy so longed for by the humanity, and especially by the modern human being. Misery is misery in any how much. Wealth are different.

The hunger is in all part. (…) Indian, mulato, black person, white. (…) The death not cause more astonishment (…) Colors, races, chaste. Wealth are different. (Arnaldo Antunes/Sergio Brito/Pablo Miklos, Tits, BMG/Ariola, So Paulo, 1992). This objective text to relate ideas on the culture of the poverty and the poverty properly said where the degradation is pertinent part human being. According to written of Lewis (1969), the Culture of the Poverty. Mueller (1997) in an article that deals with the Degradation of the Poverty in Brazil. Beyond varied pertinent examples to the subject, to substantiate the poverty vision while a social condition with bias physical or material, and cultural. Being represented in the current days as parameter for an incomplete citizenship, each banalizada time more for the experience of dismissable human beings, descapitalizados and empobrecidos in all the directions of existing. The lack of public assistance of basic services is lamentable. In many cases canalized water does not exist and the garbage vest nor always is made, beyond the lack of sanitary installations, generates one accumulates of human garbage, dejections and contaminated water consumption that is the main pointers of indifference with the human being. The poverty in the country is general. In the three last decades they had more still been accented in function of the great concentration of income and the regional disparidades. In this culture of the poverty, one strong collection of the duties is observed and obligations of the poor persons, who go since the obligatoriness of the vote for the illiterates until occupation in some activity (production), but to these same poor persons, are denied the rights and guarantees m

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