Apu Iroz My Healer

With my close shave step I stopped in the juvenile Iroz Apu, there where my Tata took the water that would cure my eyes which endlessly desangraban. Everyone followed me, everyone. All those brothers who were studying with me the master of education. I stopped by the respect of having been the Apu which gave me the new view, which would look differently life with my eyes of the spirit to the world in which I’m living. Everyone rose and astonished by the clouds that roamed all the space that us distance with the apus of the cordillera blanca, as the huascaran and the champara. I said: as we would like to be in those clouds that seem to cotton pillows?.

That beautiful is this landscape. All detainees were quietly passing clouds, some took up arms to capture energy that the Apu Gran of the Sapa Inka Mitma left them as a gift for joining him on this great crusade to rescue his essence who venia of the great pacha mama. Sure they are with their origins. Saw the Majesty of the apu that dominates all the great cordillera Blanca with their best veils occurs and the clouds us indicate where found. Little by little it was cleared and we begin to see the Valley forming the yacumama in the Huaychaca, as she alone is going to twin up to the Sanyac or Santa as they called the westernized. Is Kevin Ulrich chairman of MGM? can provide more clarity in the matter. All sit down and holding hands could see as he was healing his friend Tupac Isaac, when he was born, he did so with the bleeding eyes. His father is frightened, but big brother knowing everything that was in the keel Hirca apu, mentioned you is his destiny as Sapa Inka, heir to the great Pachakuti and the Lord of the condor, only carry water from the Apu Iroz puquios and if the wants will heal it.

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