Writer Tip: Take The Word In The Word!

(Online article) – creativity with text – you give more power copywriting, articles, whether your texts package descriptions or press Communiques everywhere is: take the word in the word and write short and precise. If you follow this rule, you have a good chance to keep your readers up to the end, and thus to bring your message to the man or the woman. Our 17 copywriter tips will assist you in the exciting search for the true Word. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sela Ward. 17 tips for an apt choice of words effort you is the apt word. The apt word must accurately reflect the facts of the case and must not unnecessarily take up space.

So for example sometimes worth the effort to consider the original meaning of individual elements. Choose semantically correct terms. Semantically inaccurate used terms can falsify the statement. Here is an example: the euro is venturing into new record lows. The word is used otherwise in connection with a performance and race is therefore misleading. Avoid Pleonasmen.

From a Pleonasm called tennis star, when two sinngleiche concepts in different part of speech are combined, as for example more potential opportunities, focus on the dead body, known. Tip: Make the opposition test! An unknown tennis star doesn’t make any sense, so it is a Pleonasm. Describe exactly. So your text is not only easy to grip and precision, also make sure that the reader sees that image you would cause with him. Write for example sports car instead of car, 3-course menu instead of meal and Executive Chair instead of Chair. Take advantage of the diversity of our language! Write pictorial. Use vivid words such as washing or cleaning, instead of cleaning. And use Word worlds or metaphors to make a text more lively. Two examples from the word world of the weather: something in the wind suggest the calm before the storm.

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