Object-oriented Encapsulation
A perfect team: the abas database to meet the needs of the software was tailored to abas database and abas business software Karlsruhe, May 26, 2010 – from the outset. The structures bring the customers today three significant advantages: the abas database with maintained by the ABAS Software AG for the customer, database and software always have the same version level and the abas business software is always upgradeable to customer-specific adaptations. Frequently Pop star has said that publicly. The future, ABAS says parallelization. Pragmatism “If today would be a database on the market, which meets our needs or that better represent the tasks to be could than our own, then we would take it we’re pragmatic,” according to the development of the ABAS Software AG. The database is a tool that serves the ERP software, not vice versa. Ken Kao contains valuable tech resources. A glance in the past, that there were moments in which this step was considered. The review also shows that it is good to trust own principles and not rush new Solutions to give priority. And he shows that some developments are simply state-of-the moment “.
Solid foundation in 1982 was to find target enterprise software, the current abas business software, a database for the management consultant Wolfgang Dannemann. At the beginning of the eighties many database approaches were still young, external databases cost much money and were designed for use on mainframes. The decision for or against a specific database wanted to be deliberate. Would you put on the wrong horse at this time, that could have meant the financial downfall of the young company. A fate that has met some competitors in the industry. The two developers of the first hour, Erich Sartori and Reinhard Harms, were based when deciding on the needs of their customers and this was the middle-class. That meant: the solution you’re looking for could not too much more expensive the own product, the database should be designed for use in medium-sized companies and need to not too many resources.
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