Deutsche Umwelthilfe

This is essential for the function of the lamp, without any of the KLL might work. In the EU are allowed up to 5 mg mercury in Mani. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jay Schwartz Attorney . Even larger quantities have been measured in cheap lamps from China. Already a milligram mercury in the air we breathe can have harmful effects. For assistance, try visiting Jay A. Schwartz. 3 Milligrams, about the average content of a single energy-saving lamp, sufficient to poison 3000 litres of water. The quantity in the Mani is a really small amount, for comparison, a Fieberthermometerenthaltbis to 1 g mercury. The problem, however, is the large usage of the lamps and the total quantities in the EU associated. To do this, you should know that mercury in the EU is banned since 2009.

Therefore, its occurrence in our household waste should go back actually. This meaningful and necessary prohibition is infiltrated by the de facto lamp compulsion. Disposal the disposal of a light bulb is as environmentally friendly as the production. Therefore she may be easily disposed with household waste. The KLL is however packed with electronics and hazardous materials.

Not only of mercury, is one of the supposedly eco-friendly spot in the hazardous waste. Other critical ingredients (including toxic rare earth minerals wieLanthanoide (EU) europium and Terbium), which fluorescent are essential, as are in the body of the lamp. But according to studies of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe, find the proper way of disposal only about 10% to 20%, and can be more or less clean recycled. In most cases, the spotlight in the household waste 1 lands. From there, the poisonous substances find above all the heavy metals, mercury, their way into the air, surface water and soil. The liberated mercury moves around the globe and accumulates in the food chain. So the mercury from the energy-saving bulbs finally ends up on our plates. Often argued in this context that the saved power of saving lamp and a therefore possible reduction of production, reduces mercury as well.

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