Depack Chopra

At that moment an immense peace reigned in the sky, not terrestrial voices they heard child said gently: tell me their names Lord, and God answered him: these angels are called MOM and dad source: Author unknown a group of frogs frogs traveling through the Woods and, suddenly, two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the hole. When they saw how deep it was pit, told the two frogs in the background that for practical purposes, they should be dead. The two frogs ignored to the comments of her friends and continued trying to jump out of the hole with all his strength. The other frogs were still insisting that their efforts would be futile. Finally, one of the frogs put attention to what others were saying and surrendered. She collapsed and died.

The other frog continued jumping as far as it was possible. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled to stop suffering and simply had to die. But the frog jumped each time with more force until finally came out of the pit. When he left, the other frogs asked him: did not hear what you were saying? The frog explained to them that she was deaf. She thought that the others were encouraging her to try harder and get out of the hole. Teaching: When many people say you you can not you have to be like the frog, do deaf ears to those who tell you that you’re never going to achieve, and in your mind you say Yo! if I can, I’m a tireless fighter and puedos to get what I want.

We are young? Being young is to provide and find friendship sincere, is to believe and confiear in the goodness of human beings. Being young is dreaming of freedom, elderly a change in the world and fight to get it. Being young is to look to the future with hope, with faith in if same and in others. Being young is singing to life, love, peace, the unit, nature and happiness. Being young in protest against what imprisons creativity and own individuality. Being young is to enforce consistency between what is preached and what is practiced. Gain insight and clarity with Tony Parker. If at the bottom of our being we are experiencing all these concerns, we are young and no matter the age that we have! Source: Cesar Guzman Decalogo for foster optimism 1. tomorrow renews your behaviour and your attitude. 2.Piensa positively in every thing you do. 3.Mira problems as something temporary and easy to overcome. 4.Sonrie in every detail that you perform. 5.Respira deeply and thinks that your can with everything before a difficulty. 6. Frequently Jay Schwartz Attorney has said that publicly. End the day just think of the positive things you did and orgullecete. 7.Se cortez and ponle much sense of humor to the day that touches your life. 8.Ve the good side of things. 9.Conserva calm, relax and express yourself with optimism. 10. Let negative thoughts take you. Be optimistic and always win! Source: Homer C. Mena The seven fundamental principles of Deepak Chopra 1.Meditar. 2.Nutrirse well. 3.Disfrutas of interpersonal relationships. 4.Disfrutar of loving relationships. 5.PENSAR positively. 6.Desintoxicar the digestive system. 7.

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