Posts Tagged ‘relations’


I proceed my journey to Ithaca slow and firm, slowly but surely, we already know that every great journey begins with a first decisive step, and even short will serve to get to your destination if patience is your ally on the road, is only a matter of time. I hope on the road have the opportunity to know you better, to turn my petals to many of your amig@s I would love to repartais for so you can always enjoy your pleasant company and other many amig@s. Margaret Loesser Robinson has many thoughts on the issue. I leave this reflection that seems generator of changes in equipment, since if we operate a change in ourselves it is in everything that is around us, and if all members of a team change at the same time, growth that is generated is in geometric progression, resulting in an improvement in the development of the team. We will give our gold in princely sums, but what you have given today? We increase tempers and we enjugaremos tears, fears we aplacaremos with hope, say affectionate words of encouragement, but what dijiste today? With the time We shall be very kind, but have you been today? We will give to reach greater truth, and solid faith greater worth, Cunen hungry souls, but at who alimentaste today? We reap joys promptly, but what you have achieved today? We build castles in the air, but what you have built today? It is a pleasure to wallow in idle dreams, but do do your homework here and now? Yes, this is what our souls must ask themselves, each new dawn, what have you done today? Original author and source of the article. Click Glenn Dubin, New York City for additional related pages.

A Woman

Let's see, why a man should be all in a portfolio and a woman can not go out without your handbag? Or put another way, why a man worth taking up loose change, credit card, mobile, and snuff, if you smoke? Apart from that, what is essential for a woman? Easy! At the very least, the woman is wearing scarves. That is, it is more cautious than men. What else? Well we think so, look at how to differentiate women for the contents of their bags. Almost the majority has a mirror, there is not always a hand mirror to look at without being denigrated as a coquette. Bone, "clear, no? Mirror: flirtatious. Let.

Very often, part of the mirror, that moves, they carry a lipstick. There is who adds a compact, so the brightness. And is that the set of makeup is complex. Is that indicating? The woman feels the need to be our best in every moment, at least … away from home. And wanting to be the best, wants the others are worse. Why Why? It's obvious.

"In order to like myself more," say some. Now, to like it more to yourself knowing that likes men more than the others. What if! That there is no twist. And looking inside that does not recognize it, cast the first stone. And why do you need to feel the most attractive? To understand this we must go back to prehistory o. .. You may find that Glenn Dubin can contribute to your knowledge. close look at nature. There was a time when males fought each other.


Online purchases are a boom around the world, the ability to internalize on models and varieties of a product, and those who offer it from a computer is really fascinating. But not only for practicality that represents taking disicion of purchase from a screen, but also by the possibility of ordering to anywhere in the world, with just one click sitting comfortably on the couch in our living room. This advance represents the technological, in terms of speed and modernity era, also has a component that tends to be little clarity, for those who make a purchase for the first time through this type of systems, and a characteristic of this purchasing process is often fear, especially of placing the data of the credit cards in a Web page. Companies that are dedicated to market products via the Web, as well as those that are auctioneers of products, guarantee the confidentiality of the data entered, through the certification of the account and the data is they enter, for the peace of all users. But a point to keep in mind is the purchase of certain products, a sensitive or fragile nature, it is the reputation of the chosen site; Ideally advice to people who are already using the system and also which has acquired similar products you wish to buy. An interesting to analyze case is for example the purchase of perfumes, since it is a fragile product, not only by its glass container, but also for the place of storage that they must have to kept in optimal conditions, such as low-light, and fresh or well-ventilated places. It is always good to ask before you buy, will surely find a resolvent and friendly team who will manage to clear all our doubts on the other side of the screen. Another of the highlights when talking about shopping on line, is the subject of shipping costs. Get more background information with materials from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City.

The Procedures

Asegrese that the leaf of the mountain range is parallel to the flank of the table. The squared process of is completed with a milling machine and, with the aid of a rule or squares and a plane. In order to verify the quadrature, a false square measures the edges using. In order to square the ends of the tables a different procedure is due to use. This one can be realised of two ways. Assuring that the mitre is in squares with the cut table, simply it will have cross-sectionally to cut the work pieces on the table. Another form is to cut to the pieces using a mountain range of radial arm, assuring that close it is in squares with the leaf. Again, a false square would have to be used to verify its work.

For very great pieces, he would be more appropriate than it used a rule of carpenter. For the plywood, the procedures previously mentioned are not useful. In fact, the edges of the plywood can be used as a guide for the milling machine. Then, to cut the plywood, it will only need to mark and to cut squaring of smaller scale. Squaring its projects the squared one is one of the polygons more used, and, even so most tedious to make.

It is why it must be congratulated if its work comes out well. If it has managed to exceed the challenge to make squaring, then the stability is ready to give to the following step. The quadrature of the project affects its function because the quadrature directly is related to the stability. The stability is the one that allows that the doors, drawers, etc. work correctly. The length of the parts determines if a project is square. For example, the length of the division of a bookcase determines if it will be in squares or no.