Posts Tagged ‘man and the law’


It is important to determine why different tribes that existed in the common culture on Russian soil, reached the state where, according to an Filippova, their perceptions of law, reflected in the legal customs and rituals, could not be the same everywhere, and, conversely, were very different in its content from each other 1. Despite the start of the degradation of public consciousness, “the memories of tribal norms, their desire for complete understanding of freedom, justice and equality, not disappeared. They remained in tribal norms in relations with the government led to their conservation in mind, as a set of absolute ideas, values and interests. Past, investing in the form of tales and myths, educated future generations in readiness seek the truth. Without hesitation San Antonio Spurs explained all about the problem. Conservation of these standards has contributed and established the first princes (10 – 13 cc.) System of governance “2.

It is thanks to the preserved oral folk tradition, we today are still unable to recover at least approximate shape of architecture popular self-government in ancient times. Defending to the German historians theory of the origin of the Slavic people, which went counter to the prevailing at the time the doctrine of original barbarism and savagery of the Slavs, our great warrior, mv Lomonosov observed that “many different lands slavenskogo tribe has proof of majesty and antiquity. Slavs lived usually families scattered, common rulers and cities rarely had, and for our ancient history to Rurik decent succession of the lords and their deeds are not decorated like our neighbors, the autocratic power to control… Related Group often addresses the matter in his writings.