Posts Tagged ‘biographies’

Maria Enciso

At fifteen he began studying teaching at the Normal School of Teachers of Almeria, where he moved to the Normal School in Barcelona, where the race ends in 1927. Attended the gathering at the Residencia de Estudiantes de Rios Rosas of Barcelona, where he met Gabriela Mistral. Gain insight and clarity with Potter Stewart. Very young, married Francisco del Olmo, of whom he divorced shortly afterwards. With the advent of the Republic started his membership in the Communist Party. During the Spanish war served as a delegate of the Republic to monitor the placement of children in Belgium exiled Spanish. When the Nazis invaded Belgium, he moved to France and then to Liverpool to board a British ship bound for America.

He arrives with his daughter to Colombia, where he worked as an editor at the weekly Sabbath and worked in El Tiempo and the Journal of the Indies. In 1945 he moved to Cuba, where he lived and worked a few months in El Diario de la Marina. From there, he went to Mexico where he worked in the weekly supplement of El Nacional. Maria Enciso died when he was only 41 years after an operation for appendicitis. She was buried in the Pantheon Spanish in Mexico. Among his works are: Europe fugitive. Thirty images of the war (1941) A memory of the horror with a few words (1942), Isabelle Blume (1942), Crystal of the Hours (1942), From Sea to Sea (1946) and Root to the wind (1947). Last year, on the occasion of its centennial, has premiered the musical The silhouette of the time, Maria Enciso and values of democracy, made by Francisco Javier Lopez Rodriguez.

The poet Almeria, far from home, tried to live his life, felt the grip of nostalgia and the incessant reminder of his hometown (“The lime and water / whiter still / I dreamed of you.”). He knew of anxiety, difficulty dealing with this every day and every morning, but especially felt, like many other exiles, a vast wilderness, as he confesses in his poem “Mother America”: “As we forge a future life / have done yours our solitudes, / the bitter solitude of self / he has seen behind a world collapse. ” Francisco Arias Solis will be vain attempt to humanize the war. Human is avoided.

Information Today

I’m where I send, hoping that the blood shed by the people is not useless … “And later, in Cuba, wrote:” During the war, in which I was involved in a minute, I the opportunity to meet people very valuable, to be intimate with few, and I was very close to our Paul (of the Torriente Brau). I also shared with Miguel Hernandez, whose greatness of soul I can attest. His death has touched me and I see it as another tragedy of that war did so much havoc. ” After the war could cross the Pyrenees and reached the French capital in April 1939, Havana. From there, he collaborated with one of the most important journals of Spanish exile, Romance, in which they wrote, among other refugees, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Jose Bergamin, Rafael Alberti, Jorge Guillen, Leon Felipe, Luis Cernuda, Jose Moreno Villa, Emilio Prados, Manuel Altolaguirre and Maria Zambrano. Also Cubans worked in newspapers and Information Today magazine and the Ultra and Bohemia, the latter would become chief information officer. In 1940 he married the journalist and publicist Herminia Portal.

He taught French in the Normal School of La Habana. In 1955 he completed his studies in French at the School of Languages at the University of Havana. After the triumph of the Revolution of Fidel Castro, was exiled to the United States. In 1967 he was appointed professor of Latin American literature at the University of Syracuse in upstate New York. Since 1973 successive cerebral hemorrhage suffered left him paralyzed and unable to speak. Novas won the following awards: story Hernandez Cata (1942), National Literature Prize (1943) and journalism awards Enrique Jose Varona (1944) and Eduardo Varela Zequira (1948). Among his many works pointed out, the slave trade.

Fictionalized life of Pedro Fernandez de Trava White (1933), fundamental novel on the subject of slavery, the novella A experiment in Chinatown (1936), the play The elevations of the ring and storybooks A finger on (1942), Nona Moon and Other Stories (1942), I do not know who I am (1945), Cayo Canas ( 1946), Los yards (1946), the other fell (1959) and Ways to tell (1970). His tragic view of life in his work makes this such a state of tension and constant struggle. And like our writer said: “Sometimes we deceive ourselves not to see life as it is.” Francisco Arias Solis Our society, instead of enlightening its members, it seems that the opposite is pleased to have them brutalized and enslaved. (Phrase Salvochea Fermin glossed in the book: 102 reasons to remember Salvochea) of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum.

New Cuban Cinema

The two episodes shot, together with New Year, by Jorge Fraga, Cuba 58 compose the film (1962), one of the most significant of the new Cuban cinema. Back to Mexico with his wife Maria Luisa Bernal-Elio Pamplona native and author of the original idea of autobiographical roots, “and with the collaboration of Emilio Garcia Riera wrote the screenplay for On the empty balcony, its most important work. The film is dedicated to “The Spanish killed in exile”, described in intimate tone and pathetic at the same time the experiences and memories of Gabriela (Maria Luisa Elio), evoking the childhood and the sudden emergence of the Spanish war in their lives, seven years old. Recreating the subjectivity of a fragmentary perceptions (the sudden disappearance of the father, the flight through a forest from the Republican Nationalist Spain, news of the shooting of the father, the family arrived in southern France and exile to Mexico .) On the empty balcony won the Prix de la Critique Locarno Festival and Giano d’Oro in the Latin American Film Festival on Sestri-Levante. Gasco Garcia could not extend this valuable experience and was then forced to work as advertising filmmaker. The laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez spent most internationally recognized his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude to marriage, with this simple inscription: “A jomi Garcia and Maria Luisa Elio Ascot.” Garcia Ascot also published several essays: Roger von Gunten (1978), Erotic. Love poetry in Castilian (1980), with the music in you (1982), collection of articles and three painters: Pablo Amor, Oscar Gabriel Gutman and Mascotela (1987).

Finally, we quote his novel Death begins in Polanco (1987). And as the poet said Hispanic-Mexican: “The exile is the immense, the plain / where the sun bounces, the distance / between the chest and the air. / And now here we look lost our house / our distant Europe. We look over / and the balcony, as the white cloud. ” Francisco Arias Solis individual property, enemy of equality, contrary to the immortal principles of brotherhood.