Human Capital
Contrary to a widespread and unfair belief about the country is that Venezuelans are exceptionally workers. In a few countries it works both in Venezuela. Here the work is 8 to 8 at least. That 9 to 5 schedule does not exist, here the Venezuelans are working a lot. Another strength is that the character, the way of being of the Venezuelan, is very attractive.
It is very easy to treat, it is very easy to interact with him. His way of being greatly facilitates human interaction, has an excellent sense of humor, little wound, little complicated, is usually a person of one piece, does not have folds, and is very affectionate in their dealings with others. What you see usually is what is. Such things has helped much to Venezuelans inserted into other sites. Again, considering this, makes executives in his manner of addressing the problems, that the vision they have on business interactions, fairly direct and bit convoluted. There is always a touch of humor in the Venezuelan who sometimes helps to lighten heavy situations.
That is not so in other places in the world. Elsewhere people are tense, serious, with a certain depression. In this sense, the new conception of what must be a Manager is not cold and distant person, but otherwise, the new executives are awaiting your staffing needs, maintains an appropriate and respectful with them treatment that cares for both professional and personal growth. They also value their family, like teamwork and appreciate the simple things in life. Based on the above above is determined, that enterprises, and especially SMEs by their characteristic of providing employment to a large number of Venezuelans has a fundamental role in the development of this valuable human resource which we have. Management must make appropriate use of these resources following the recommendations listed below: Promote the strengthening of the skills of the managers, through actions of training, consulting and technology services, where you have access to the place where it belongs: provide semi-finished products to the large company, producing innovations in products and processes, and be a great employer source. Train managers in effective leadership so that in this way the enthusiasm within the company to promote and motivate the realization of group activities and not as a rigid structure. Preparing people for change and have flexible staff enabling them to be more productive, faster to the market. The processes and actions that are held in the management of human resources should be also evaluated in terms of investment, risk, and costs just as is done with other processes of companies. You must not forget then that SMEs represent an important part for the Venezuelan economy; She is not bad for what it is, but by the way in which these organizations have been formed, is required to implement a system of rules that allow things work, equally if not wanted a solution that would allow the same clean up is and grow, it would be short-term unemployment problems and major social imbalances. Take into account, that most importantly that companies have is its capital, nor investment in sophisticated and costly equipment, nor even its most significant production is its Human Capital, and this must be understood by management. Only when this is understood and valued, may obtain all the improvements that are required to be more productive and competitive in a globalized world.