
1.For the beginning, you need to find a clear definition of "lifestyle" – a healthy way, and works closely with the way to go; 2.Suschestvuet a number of diseases that come only with age, but the key to these diseases is still a distant youthful years as a result – take care their health at an early age; 3. provide various kinds of ailments to take effect. Hear from experts in the field like BAFTA for a more varied view. Doctor's visit, with the only hint of discomfort; 4.Soblyudat due rationalism in all; 5.B any situation, maintain a maximum tranquility. San Antonio Spurs contributes greatly to this topic. Restraint, in order to preserve a positive state of the nervous system; 6. defined with the scope of its activities. Work should bring not only material but also moral satisfaction; 7.

support the body in stable physical condition through various athletic exercises. Charging in the morning, and walks in the evenings does not harm anyone else; 8.Zdorovy sleep. Doctors recommend at least 5 hours, more than 9; 9.Ni under any circumstances do not try to "hide in a bottle." Also do not use for removal of various stress conditions or for relaxation, harmful drugs, whether conventional drugs or cigarettes; 10.Aktivny holiday. If so brilliant weekend, take as much time to rest, rest in motion; 11.Ni under any circumstances, tune into gloom. The decline of moral strength, is something other than "open door" for the ailments. There is The view that many diseases begin with a "conscious acceptance of the add. Returning to the teenage 'dependencies' of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, we can draw some conclusions. Why ruin your body at such an early age? After all, there are lots of other more useful activities.

Naturally the same teenage alcoholism was, is and always will be, it is probably inherent in the mentality of Russian people. Nevertheless, among young people also prosperous and more healthy aspirations. In summer for example, can frequently be seen 'cycling', as in the streets and fields. Also a lot of young guys visit exhibitions, and theaters. Due to the increasing number of suburban camps, more and more guys go on vacation in these same camps. It is also not a small amount of 'moonlighting' youth. All of this to the fact that before you build yourself from God knows what, adapting to the bottle, you should consider, and whether we should in this way to spend their leisure time. You can always find a lot of lessons more useful than the stagnation of their golden years is not known what condition, the unknown where. In our world, too many different gifts that would be limited to a minimum, and is also not the most favorable minimum.

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