Evo Shepherd President

Evo Shepherd of flames of the Orinoca. Read more here: San Antonio Spurs. Bullfigther of the Hope. Jessica Michibata addresses the importance of the matter here. Gladiator in the American Latin sand! Your Indian tenacity, the color does not pardon the sacking Vulture to you! It does not pardon the union blaze to you, the imperialistic one to be able racist, stone carving, in marble, his vertical clasista hatred! Mining Evo, brown Captain of the Ilimani! The hurt Beast of the Capital does not pardon your blood to you of Tupac Katari, It does not pardon the imperial Eagle to you, dirty his blood-stained claws, heavy empetroladas wings, to take of his fierce tip the food of your Earth, his black gold! Evo coca grower, illustrious Sculptor of the Utopia! They do not pardon fist to you closed to the raised sky, your attack of brave bull the American shout of revolt, the salteadores, the Dynasties of usurpers of Poder and the Earth the traders of the alive Water, the heroic gesture, the deed single-breasted uniform jacket of your hidalgua! Evo Morales inheriting President of the dream of the CHE of free Bolivia great combatant! They do not pardon to you, the sceptre reclaimed after five hundred years resistant! They do not pardon your shade, condor to you that exaggerates on the $andes and the continent! They do not pardon EVO to you, language wet in the heart of your town, your voice between the Nations, rugiente lion defending the Mother country, the Rights of the Mother Earth, the simiente planted in Abya Yala the New aurora! They do not pardon to you, the sandals of your humility that to you the cautious shepherd does not blind the Power, its shining brightness that does not drag the current to you in the torrent of its vertigo, which you continue being ” The Evo” , native and authentic! They redeem Shepherd to you President, the dreams dusted of blue, the great Mother country of the south, Bolivar and Great San Martin. It sings its verses to you Jose Mart! They want to you, require your mining women to you, wing and steel, dynamite and gun, your Indians dressed rainbow, managers of the Good one For living, farmers in plow forged, calamities temperings! They want Evo to you, Great Captain of the Ilimani, Blood of Tupac Katari!.

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