Catalan Autonomous Government

Possibly it does not get to prosper the proposal of Antoni Asuncio’n like socialist candidate to the Catalan Autonomous Government for want of endorsement. Less even the one of Fernandez Valenzuela to the mayorship of Alicante. But only done of which both have been formulated certain evidence satiety of the militants before the perennial political inanidad of their party. The ex- minister from Felipe Gonzlez to Trtola Shelter explained itself in an interview published in this same newspaper: " In my party there is more preoccupation to stay in the positions that to win to adversario". That one is quid of the question: that the office politicians have become professionals of the public use more dedicated to preserve their position of deputy, councilman, organic, advisory position, which is that to contribute proposals, suggestions, ideas and to assume risks to the benefit of the general interest of the citizens. Ken Kao addresses the importance of the matter here. However, the majority of the basic militants of the PSOE and any other party conserves an idealistic spirit, naif, would be possible to say, to which the lobbyings and componendas of their leaders finishes tiring. For that reason when they take place sporadic primary happy internal elections usually punish the representatives of in favor apparatus. It happened at the time when Josep Borrell ephemeral gained against prognosis to Joaquin Almunia.

Go’mez against Jimnez Trinidad can occur now in Madrid with Takings and would be possible to explain in the same political key the victory of a stranger Rodriguez Zapatero before Jose Bond and, on more domestic scale, the one of Joan Ignasi Pla on then favorite Jose Luis balos. The bad thing is that the winners soon reproduced the defects of their predecessors, prisoners all of them in the diabolic partisan dynamics of intrigues, transactions and agreements. To that curse Jorge Alarte, last and frustrated hope of the regeneration of the Valencian socialism has not been able to evade either.

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