Parental Attitudes

Yesterday it was talking with a friend, it has 3 adolescent children, 17, 16 and 14 years. Saying it was me on its difficulty to communicate itself with the children, of in the distance that it exists enters the worlds of both. It explained me as he was being ‘ ‘ impossvel’ ‘ to have some control, that feared to cause future traumas and emotional problems in the children for acting incorrectly. It counted that to the times if it annoys, to the times speaks excessively, to the times is without knowing what to say, at last my friend is normal. Who is Kevin Ulrich?: the source for more info. It asked for to aid, things to me of the type what to make, what to speak, what to think when I gave it something left that it has led and wants to also give to you: One remembers that one I bawl of its mother when knew of its notes in the school? ‘ remembers that one; ‘ panelada’ ‘ what caught of raspo and it gave a beautiful hematoma to it? One remembers the pinch? of the entire day without being able to leave house and its friends calling in the street? of the cut monthly allowance? of the phrase: Vocs still to kill goes me? or What I made the God? one remembers these things? Some of them became you traumatizado? One without route in the life? You are with emotional problems serious because of some of those things? , It is not clearly that not. Until we give good reefed when we remember in them is not same? I already had that to eat a plate of Jil pra to learn not to complain of the meals, can? He knows he cusou what me? Sincerely, nothing. (I am not defending these actions today) But I only obtain to remember them of comic form.

The desperation of Parents who knew that they had to make something, but generally did not know what. My generation is of Parents who did not forbear, nor always made right, but never they forbore. They made something, they said something, they left its position clearly. They were not acovardavam ahead of the feelings of ‘ ‘ friends feridos’ ‘ nor of what the fashion dictated. Today our children need the same attitude, perceive well, did not say of perfect Parents, said: T I T U D E; He is great dfict in the familiar education today. To leave clearly, to leave obvious, To communicate feelings, position and values. To demonstrate without fear.

To have T I T U D E. To make a mistake? you always go to make a mistake. Many times it does not go to know what to make or to say, but it wants an advice, either balanced but it also makes and it says something in the best way that will be able, communicating this. But if it does not omit, its children do not need its perfection, them need is of its attitude. ATTITUDE is test of love here. Some feelings will only be perceived years later, all good, plant them now!

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